Funded by the EU and led by the European Commission, the CCRI Office is responsible for supporting the implementation of the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI). It is made of three departments with complementary missions and services:
- the CCRI Coordination and Support Office, which acts as main facilitator and coordinator of the CCRI activities. It offers practical support to selected cities and regions, as well as facilitates collaboration, synergies and complementarities with the CCRI Projects and Associated Partners;
- the CCRI Knowledge Hub, which consolidates and expands the knowledge base available to the CCRI community and provides additional support through a dedicated mentoring programme;
- the CCRI Communities of Practice, which focus on community building and peer learning, bringing together CCRI city and region practitioners in focus group discussions and a twinning programme.
All three office departments operate under the same umbrella initiative and work together to best support the implementation of circular solutions in CCRI cities and regions, encouraging on-the-ground experimentation and facilitating exchange sharing and peer learning. They consist of experts with proven experience and relevant expertise in the circular economy field.
The CCRI focuses on a series of specific themes that are crucial for the circular transition, namely:
CCRI Office Department | Thematic Focus |
CCRI Coordination and Support Office |
CCRI Communities of Practice |
CCRI Knowledge Hub | (Cross-cutting issues)
CCRI Office Department | Main Services | Target Audience |
CCRI Coordination and Support Office |
| Cities, regions and territorial clusters at a fairly advanced stage in their circular journey. |
CCRI Communities of Practice |
| Cities and regions at an intermediate stage in their circular journey. |
CCRI Knowledge Hub |
| Cities and regions at the beginning of their circular journey. |
For more information on the support services offered by the CCRI Office and its partners, consult the CCRI Support Compass.
Check out the online calendar for more information on the capacity building events.
The CCRI Coordination and Support Office was set up in December 2021 as a result of a tender procedure. More information on the EU Funding and Tenders Portal. Contact:
Both the CCRI Knowledge Hub and the CCRI Communities of Practice are projects funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme. More information on the CORDIS portal: CCRI Knowledge Hub / CCRI Communities of Practice. Contacts: /