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Tools and methods

This section focuses on tools and methods that can be used to support the development and implementation of Circular Systemic Solutions. The selection covers a variety of topics including, but not limited to, circular economy indicators, resource scanning tools and circular procurement guidelines. 

Results (40)


Applied Filters

Tools and methods

A Circular Economy Monitor for Flanders

This short-term assignment for Circular Flanders called Indicators for a Circular Economy aims to provide an inventory of indicators that are relevant...

Type of tool or method
Circular economy indicators
Impacts: Climate adaptation and Climate mitigation, Environmental pollution and land use, Increased recycling rates, Dematerialisation, Equality of opportunities/Just transition toward a sustainable and inclusive circular economy, Competitiveness and innovation, Stakeholder and citizens mobilisation, engagement and participation, Material savings, Education, knowledge, training and reskilling
Tools and methods

A framework for circular buildings: indicators for possible inclusion in BREEAM

This report provides a general framework for circular buildings and proposes concrete strategies and indicators that could help better evaluate...

Type of tool or method
Strategy design and decision making
Impacts: Climate adaptation and Climate mitigation, Environmental pollution and land use, Dematerialisation, Material savings
Tools and methods

A pragmatic guide to reskilling

The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) is an initiative of the European Commission that supports 136 cities in using cutting-edge technologies to lead...

Type of tool or method
Strategy design and decision making
Impacts: Equality of opportunities/Just transition toward a sustainable and inclusive circular economy, Stakeholder and citizens mobilisation, engagement and participation, Education, knowledge, training and reskilling
Tools and methods

Ambition Card for local circular construction: starting with circularity in your municipal construction and renovation projects

The tool maps strategies and actions for circular design and construction which help minimize the environmental impact and resource use in building...

Type of tool or method
Circular economy procurement,
Type of tool or method
Strategy design and decision making
Impacts: Climate adaptation and Climate mitigation, Dematerialisation, Material savings, Stakeholder and citizens mobilisation, engagement and participation
Tools and methods

Building Circularity into Nationally Determined Contributions: A Practical Toolbox

The ‘Building Circularity into NDCs’ user guide and digital toolbox aim to support countries to assess, prioritise, implement and track circular...

Type of tool or method
Governance tools and methods
Impacts: Climate adaptation and Climate mitigation, Stakeholder and citizens mobilisation, engagement and participation
Tools and methods

Circle City Scan Tool

The Circle City Scan Tool is the start of an open access online environment that supports cities to gain practical insights into how to navigate...

Type of tool or method
Strategy design and decision making
Impacts: Increased recycling rates, Dematerialisation, Stakeholder and citizens mobilisation, engagement and participation, Material savings, Innovation, Competitiveness and innovation