Meet the CCRI stakeholders: Comunitat Valenciana (CCRI Fellow)
Published on 29.01.2024
An interview with Rafael Climent, Minister of Sustainable Economy of the Valencian Regional Government.

What attracted you to join the CCRI?
When we heard about the CCRI, we immediately saw an alignment with our plan to promote circular economy in our region. The support of the European Commission and the presence of other regional authorities were the definitive arguments to join the CCRI.
What are you hoping to achieve by participating as a Fellow?
We would like to improve our solutions thanks to the experiences of the other participants. We are very interested in undertaking joint projects, for example under Horizon Europe, on topics such as industrial symbiosis, reuse of plastics or textiles, and so on.
What circular economy experience can you bring to the CCRI community?
We are very excited about our Industrial Symbiosis Observatory, a tool aimed at collecting, filtering and disseminating information to facilitate the adoption of the circular economy in companies, and also about our Circular Economy Shared Agenda, a transformative innovation scheme for stakeholders at regional level.
To find out more about Comunitat Valenciana, visit their profile on our website.

e.g. chemicals, textile, ceramics, glass, cement, steel, bio-based industries
e.g. B2B services
predominantly urban regions, intermediate and predominantly rural regions, refer to TERCET typology NUTS 3 region