Comunitat Valenciana
Updated on 12.09.2024
The Regional Ministry of Environment, Water, Infrastructure and Territory is the authority responsible for environmental policy coordination, although as it is a cross-cutting area, other departments of the regional government have important competences in Circular Economy, such as the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism.
The representative body for CCRI is the Valencian Institute for Business Competitiveness & Innovation (IVACE+i), a public law entity, integrated in the Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism of the regional government (Generalitat). IVACE+i manages the regional industrial policy and supports innovation for competitiveness of SMEs and industrial areas, entrepreneurship, and energy efficiency.
IVACE+i receives grants for innovation, research, energy, and industrial estates focused on the promotion of circular economy (CE).

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We coordinate the regional Network of Technology Centres, which provide SMEs with a specialised offer of advanced technological services and research, development, and innovation, with the aim of improving their competitiveness. The capabilities of this network include many areas of knowledge and technological lines, projects and equipment associated with CE. The network employs 1784 professionals, in total.
GDP or GDP Category (at NUTS 3 level) Eurostat, same as cohesion policy 2019: More developed region
Urban rural predominance: Predominantly urban (88,8%)
Leading organisation
Valencian Institute for Business Competitiveness and Innovation of the Regional Government (IVACE+i)
Link to existing circular economy action plan
There is no specific Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), but there are different strategic approaches that include CE policies, projects, or initiatives. The most important of these is the Regional Law 5/2022 for the prevention of waste, ecological transition, and promotion of the CE.
Main goals of this law are:
- To encourage the reduction of waste generation, increase the reuse of materials and products, and increase the recovery of materials for further use by recycling the waste generated.
- To discourage the disposal of waste through landfill and incineration techniques.
- To guarantee adequate waste management that prevents and minimises adverse impacts on the environment, protects human health and improves people's quality of life.
- To consolidate the governance model based on the effective coordination of the regional and local administrations to carry out the adequate management of domestic, commercial, bio-waste and agricultural waste in the region, in all phases of the treatment process of this waste. This includes collection, transport, treatment, and recovery of materials, and the final disposal.
- To encourage and promote the application of CE criteria in the processes of production, consumption, and post-consumption in the territorial scope of the region, and especially the implementation of industrial symbiosis.
- To favour the mitigation of the causes of climate change as well as adaptation to its effects.
- To contribute to the regeneration of degraded areas and the decontamination of soils.
The Comprehensive regional waste plan is an action plan which has a regulatory nature. It is applicable to management activities, waste and territorial planning to enable the fulfilment of the planned objectives.
The Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) has also defined an area of specialisation as "towards a circular and low-carbon economy".
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Other activities
The new law for the prevention of waste, ecological transition and promotion of the CE will contribute to the development of a CEAP for the Valencian Region. However, a change of economic model, such as the one proposed in the CE, requires a multidisciplinary, multi-sectoral approach that involves different types of agents and develops different policies. In this sense, it is necessary to consider other strategies of the regional government that would also contribute to the construction of a Valencian CE model.
Additionally, the Valencian region participates in a Horizon Europe project funded under Cluster 6, CIRCBIO 02 1 Two Stage 2023 (CIRCSYST).
Link to Circular Systemic Solution
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Circular economy good practices
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Participation in other relevant initiatives
The Valencian region participates in the following initiatives:
Key publications, policies, legislations and initiatives
- Shared Circular Economy Innovation Agenda of Foia de Castalla - ACI – AIJU
- The transition to a circular economy of plastics
- LIFE CERAM Zero waste in ceramic tile manufacture
- LIFE Egshellence Use of eggshells to obtain Calcium Carbonate
- HIPOCARBONIC Reducing carbon emissions in the manufacture of ceramic tiles
- HIDROKER Hydrogen as a fuel in industrial processes
- LIFE REPLAY Use of waste ceramic inks as new pigments in the tile industry
- LIFE Hypobrick Use of construction waste in the manufacture of bricks with lower carbon dioxide emissions
- VALORES Use of calcium carbonate from paper industry in the ceramic and shoe sectors
- CIRCOM Circular economy in the construction and metallurgical sectors through alkaline activation
- RECONMATIC Automated Solutions
- FOUNDRYTILE Valorisation of foundry sands in ceramic tile manufacture
- EROS Recycling of wind turbine blades in the ceramics industry and transport sector
- CoBAT Recovery of cobalt from e-waste (Use in ceramic pigments)
- ECOMARSI Filtration equipment
- LIFE REWAINCER Alternative water source suitable for the ceramics industry
- CUCO2 Validate a capture system for the carbon dioxide (CO2)
- DRAINKER, Permeable ceramic floor for SUDS
- CERS-UP, Sustainable ceramic compositions for permeable urban pavements
- RECERCO, recovery of fired ceramic tile waste in the construction sector
- REMOURE, Investigate the feeding apparatus of certain Mediterranean marine species
- WASTE2COAG - Brine and metal wastes valorization to produce coagulants for wastewater treatment
Support from CSO
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