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Knowledge category: Tools and methods

Ambition Card for local circular construction: starting with circularity in your municipal construction and renovation projects

Updated on 29.08.2024

The tool maps strategies and actions for circular design and construction which help minimize the environmental impact and resource use in building projects. It is a tool to help local and regional authorities get started with a circular construction or renovation project by providing a basis to enter discussions with the actors involved. This helps to create support and increase the chance of success for a circular purchasing project.

Author: Circular Flanders (Vlaanderen Vlaanderen Circulair)
Year of update: 2024

More information

The document promotes circular construction practices by mapping strategies and actions for minimizing the environmental impact and resource use in building projects. It is a tool that can help you enter into discussions with actors involved in the project to make circular choices.


Five circular objectives (letters) are determined. They are classified according to input (A and B), use (C) and potential output (D and E) of the product. For each of these objectives, strategies (numbers) are provided to achieve them.


The mapping has been developed for two separate target audiences: one mapping for local authorities, and anther mapping for actors involved in residential renovation. For local authorities, this helps to create support and increases the chance of success for your circular purchasing project.

Relevance for Circular Systemic Solutions

While this tool is made for local governments in Flanders, it can serve as a starting point for other cities and regions which are looking for entry-level principles for construction and renovation projects. It is a tool that can help authorities enter into discussions with actors involved in the project to make circular choices. This tool is best used in the Design phase of the CCRI methodology, in particular to help identify intervention areas before designing targets.

How to use this tool or method

The document promotes circular construction practices by mapping strategies and actions for minimizing the environmental impact and resource use in building projects. Five circular objectives (letters) are determined, which are classified according to input (A and B), use (C) and potential output (D and E) of the product. For each of these objectives, strategies (numbers) are provided to achieve them.

Territories involved

large 500 000-200 000, medium 200 000-50 000, and small cities 50 000-5 000

large metropolitan area >1.5 million, metropolitan area 1.5 million-500 000

predominantly urban regions, intermediate and predominantly rural regions, refer to TERCET typology NUTS 3 region