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Knowledge category: Projects

Smart City Observatories implement REsilient Water Management

Updated on 12.04.2023

The SCOREwater project focuses on enhancing the resilience of cities against climate change and urbanisation by enabling a water smart society that fulfils sustainable development goals (SDGs) 3, 6, 11, 12 and 13 and secures future ecosystem services.

Acronym: SCOREwater
Countries: Netherlands, Spain, Sweden
Project website:
Start and end date: 01.05.2019 - 30.05.2023
Budget: 5 787 787 EUR
Funding source: Horizon 2020

More information

SCOREwater introduces digital services to improve the management of wastewater, stormwater and flooding events. These services are provided by an adaptive digital platform. Existing technical platforms and services (e.g. FIWARE, CKAN) are extended to the water domain by integrating relevant standards, ontologies and vocabularies, and provide an interoperable open-source platform for smart water management. Emerging digital technologies such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence and big data are used to provide accurate real-time predictions and refined information. The project implements three large-scale, cross-cutting innovation demonstrators in Amersfoort (the Netherlands), Barcelona (Spain) and Gothenburg (Sweden), and enables transfer and upscale by providing harmonised data and services. 


The project initiates a new ‘sewage sociology’ domain, mining biomarkers of community-wide lifestyle habits from sewage. SCOREwater develops new water monitoring techniques and data-adaptive storm water treatment, which apply to water resource protection and legal compliance for construction projects. SCOREwater enhances resilience against flooding by sensing and hydrological modelling coupled with urban water engineering. The project will identify best practices for developing and using the digital services, thus addressing water stakeholders beyond the project partners. The project will also develop technologies to increase public engagement in water management. Moreover, SCOREwater will deliver an innovation ecosystem driven by the financial savings in both maintenance and operation of water systems that are offered, using the SCOREwater digital services, providing new business opportunities for water and small and medium-sized enterprises in information and communication technology.

Relevance for Circular Systemic Solutions

The SCOREwater project provides guidelines and recommendations for relevant public awareness campaigns, among other relevant outputs. The project is relevant for cities and regions developing a holistic Circular Systemic Solution that targets local water ecosystems.

Horizon programme(s) and/or topic(s)


  • H2020-EU.3.5. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Climate action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials


  • SC5-11-2018 - Digital solutions for water: linking the physical and digital world for water solutions


€ 5 787 787.50 (EU contribution: € 4 998 727.50)

Responsible organisation and contact details

IVL Svenska Miljoeinstitutet AB

Contact the project

Project consortium partners

  • Fundacio Institut Catala De Recerca De L'aigua
  • Fundacio Eurecat
  • Institut d’Estudis Metropolitans de Barcelona
  • Scan Iberia Sistemas de Medicion Sl
  • Talkpool AB
  • Swedish Hydro Solutions AB
  • Goteborgs Kommun
  • Civity BV
  • Gemeente Amersfoort
  • Stichting Future City
  • Barcelona Cicle de L'aigua SA
  • Water Platform Company BV
  • Universeum AB

CEAP2 key product value chain

CEAP2 key product value chain

CEAP2 key product value chain

digital tools facilitating CE transition

Territories involved

large 500 000-200 000, medium 200 000-50 000, and small cities 50 000-5 000

large metropolitan area >1.5 million, metropolitan area 1.5 million-500 000

Intra-territorial areas

e.g. commercial, residential, service, industrial