Comprehensive report containing country-specific Action Plans to foster the uptake of bio-based technologies in CELEBio target countries
Updated on 21.06.2024
The aim of the report is to present an overview of the Guidelines for the National Bioeconomy Action Plans prepared, jointly with national stakeholders, in the CELEBIO project for Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia. The guidelines for National Bioeconomy Action Plans delivered a set of specific, attainable, relevant biobased value chains and time-based (2020- 2030) Action Plans for the development of bioeconomy in these countries.
CEAP2 key product value chain
CEAP2 key product value chain
CEAP2 key product value chain
e.g. chemicals, cosmetics, bio-based industries
e.g. B2B services
e.g. healthcare
including bio-based economy