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Smart District and Circular Economy: The Role of ICT Solutions in Promoting Circular Cities

Updated on 19.09.2023

This paper investigates the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in promoting emerging design for the circular economy (CE) in the urban context. The paper starts by defining the theoretical background and subsequently presents the goal and methodology of investigation.

Author: Massimiliano Viglioglia, Matteo Giovanardi, Riccardo Pollo and Pier Paolo Peruccio
Year of publication: 2021

More information

Cities will have a decisive role in reducing the consumption of resources and greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Various experiences of urban regeneration have exploited ICT potential to optimise the management of complex systems and to encourage sustainable development models.

Through a scoping review, the authors identify case studies and analyse them within the Ellen MacArthur Foundation classification framework, which splits the urban context into three urban systems:

  • buildings
  • mobility
  • products

The research focuses on nine case studies where the ICT solutions were able to promote the principles of the CE.

The results show, on the one hand, how data management appears to be a central issue in the optimisation of urban processes and, on the other hand, how the district scale is the most appropriate to test innovative solutions (so-called 'smart districts').

This paper identifies physical and virtual infrastructures, stakeholders and tools for user engagement as key elements for the pursuit of CE adoption in the urban context. It also looks at ICT in urban areas and how they can be utilised to support the transition to a CE in cities.

Several case studies are analysed through the use of a framework that splits the areas into buildings, mobility and products. The paper presents findings describing the improvements to be made in terms of data management in urban areas.

The following cities are in focus in the paper:

  • Amsterdam
  • Barcelona
  • Brainport
  • Chêne-Bougeries
  • Dublin
  • Espoo
  • Hamburg
  • Helsinki
  • Insbruck
  • Kalkara
  • London
  • Malmo
  • Milan
  • Stockholm
  • Valladolid
  • Wien
  • Zurich

Relevance for Circular Systemic Solutions

The paper covers various stakeholders that are involved in several related value chains, such as electronics, construction, and transport. It discusses tools for user engagement as critical elements for moving towards a CE in urban areas. The paper provides interesting insights about the use of ICT in urban areas in the CE context, playing an enabling role for Circular Systemic Solutions.


CEAP2 key product value chain

built environment, CEAP2 key product value chain

CEAP2 key product value chain

e.g. electrical engineering, furniture and interior, textile and fashion

Territories involved

large 500 000-200 000, medium 200 000-50 000, and small cities 50 000-5 000

Intra-territorial areas

e.g. commercial, residential, service, industrial