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Importance of Sustainable Mineral Resource Management in Implementing the Circular Economy Model and the European Green Deal Strategy

Updated on 19.09.2023

This paper presents strategic directions aimed at sustainable and circular raw material (CRM) management in the EU. The entire value chain is considered, namely: production and consumption; waste management; and secondary raw materials.

Author: Marzena Smol, Paulina Marcinek, Joanna Duda, Dominika Szoldrowska
Year of publication: 2020

More information

The European Green Deal is the strategy for economic growth adopted by the European Commission (EC) in late 2019. One of the most important tasks in the realisation of this strategy is the mobilisation of the industry for a clean and circular economy (CE).

Currently, the EU is in the process of transformation towards a CE model, which was announced in 2014. The CE assumes a transition from a linear model based on take–make–dispose to a circular model, in which waste, if it arises, becomes a valuable resource. At the same time, it is recommended to use raw materials (RMs) more efficiently and to recycle them. The EC underlines that both changes in the management of mineral resources in individual Member States and their effects should be monitored.

In 2018, the EC pointed out issues related to RM management as important elements of the monitoring framework in the transformation process towards the CE. Moreover, the importance of mineral resources management in the EC in the context of the transformation towards the European Green Deal and CE is presented, and the results of selected CE indicators related to the RMs and indicators that present sustainable RMs management are discussed.

RM management faces a number of challenges, primarily in achieving increased levels of CRM recycling, as well as the greater involvement of stakeholders themselves and awareness raising in the field of sustainable development and CE among enterprises operating in the RMs sector.

Currently, all Member States are working together to accelerate the transformation process in the CE and the European Green Deal, for example by implementing national CE programmes. A great opportunity to accelerate the transformation process is the new financial perspective for projects under the balanced and circular management of RMs – Horizon Europe, which plans to finance the new projects on RMs management and recycling. Furthermore, the RM sector provide a recommendations table with a focus on environmental-, economic-, consumer- and policy related aspects necessary to accelerate a transformation to a CE, which can be valuable for cities and regions to consider.

Relevance for Circular Systemic Solutions

The core of this paper is a presentation of a set of recommended actions that should be taken in the coming years with strong emphasis on the implementation of the sustainable development principles.