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Country profiles on Circular Economy in Europe

Updated on 26.06.2023

At the request of the EU Commission, the European Environmental Agency (EEA) has produced EU country profiles that offer an updated view of circular economy (CE) policies being implemented at a national level, with a particular focus on elements that go beyond EU mandatory elements, and best practice with a focus on policy innovation.

Author: European Environmental Agency
Year of publication: 2022

More information

While implementing the EU Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP 2020), Member States are encouraged to advance circularity at a national level by adopting policies and initiatives that go beyond EU regulations, while preserving the Single Market.

These CE country profiles are based on information reported by the Eionet Network and, in particular, the Eionet Group on circular economy and resource use in the second quarter of 2022. The information was reviewed and edited by the European Topic Centre on circular economy and resource use. A selection of Eurostat data was made to further complement this country profile.

Relevance for Circular Systemic Solutions

These profiles provide a good snapshot of the status of CE in EU countries. These are useful for regional and local public authorities to: a) have an overview of the CE status in their own country; b) learn about the status in other EU countries (e.g. about applied CE monitoring frameworks and indicators as well as targets). Examples of public and private policy initiatives from other EU countries can be used as inspiration to see how others are addressing similar challenges. Good practice examples of policy initiatives cover a variety of themes – some examples include national/regional/local financial support programmes, public procurement, digitilisation of waste tracking, change in consumption pattern and consumer behavior. Cities and regions can use these snapshots to find where the policy gaps are and how these gaps can be adressed to support the development and implementation of Circular Systemic Solutions, and vice versa.


CEAP2 key product value chain

CEAP2 key product value chain

CEAP2 key product value chain

CEAP2 key product value chain

built environment, CEAP2 key product value chain

CEAP2 key product value chain

CEAP2 key product value chain

CEAP2 key product value chain

e.g. chemicals, cosmetics, bio-based industries

e.g. electrical engineering, furniture and interior, textile and fashion

e.g. B2B services

e.g. healthcare

including bio-based economy

e.g. re-use of public spaces and facilities in urban areas

digital tools facilitating CE transition

Territories involved

large 500 000-200 000, medium 200 000-50 000, and small cities 50 000-5 000

large metropolitan area >1.5 million, metropolitan area 1.5 million-500 000

predominantly urban regions, intermediate and predominantly rural regions, refer to TERCET typology NUTS 3 region