Accelerating the circular economy in Europe. State and outlook 2024
Updated on 17.06.2024
This report looks into potential actions for wide-scale circularity implementation.
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These allude to a range of aspects that include:
- Circular policies should become more binding and target-oriented, extending beyond waste to possibly include targets on resource use or material footprint.
- Measures should now promote higher quality recycling to foster EU resource independence and reduce its overall material footprint.
- Bold implementation of the revamped EU Sustainable Product Policy should result in safe and sustainable products, which are designed for circularity from the outset.
- Additional attention should be paid to the economics of raw material supply, so that secondary raw material markets can thrive.
- In line with the conclusions of the International Resource Panel, additional action is needed on the demand side, potentially leveraging the concept of sufficiency.
- Just transition principles should be embedded in Europe and globally.
Relevance for Circular Systemic Solutions
This paper's practical value stems, among other things, from its transition framework to circular economy, as well as its assessments of where Europe stands in various aspects of circularity, and its considerations for the future. These aspects make it a useful resource for cities and regions looking to begin working on how to govern the process of deploying CSSs. All stakeholders involved in that process can make use of this resource, especially in the Map and Design phases of CSS deployment.
CEAP2 key product value chain
built environment, CEAP2 key product value chain
CEAP2 key product value chain
CEAP2 key product value chain
CEAP2 key product value chain
CEAP2 key product value chain
CEAP2 key product value chain
including bio-based economy
e.g. B2B services
digital tools facilitating CE transition
e.g. chemicals, cosmetics, bio-based industries
e.g. re-use of public spaces and facilities in urban areas
e.g. electrical engineering, furniture and interior, textile and fashion
e.g. healthcare
CEAP2 key product value chain
e.g. commercial, residential, service, industrial