ERDF Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument
Updated on 20.01.2025
The objective of the I3 Instrument is to support interregional innovation investments by offering consortia of innovation actors from the quadruple helix ecosystems the necessary financial and advisory support to bring their innovations to a mature level, ready for commercialisation and scale-up, while bridging and reducing the innovation divide in Europe.
Relevance for Circular Systemic Solutions
The I3 Instrument supports cooperation between EU Member states’ regions and partners in policy areas supported by smart specialisation strategies, particularly focusing on ensuring participation in interregional innovation investment pipelines. It addresses the innovation divide and serves to accelerate and strengthen innovation in connected regional innovation ecosystems across the EU.
The I3 Instrument is divided over two strands, each with their own calls for proposals. Both strands can present a relevant opportunity for circular systemic solutions (CSS).
Strand 1 targets consortia of innovation actors from regions (with different levels of development and innovation performance) with shared or complementary smart specialisation areas, which are ready to make investments in interregional innovation projects. These investments can consist of a portfolio of coordinated and interlinked investments in the participating regions. Typically, these investments will serve to strengthen, connect or expand existing value chains, while creating local innovation and smart economic transformation opportunities.
Strand 2a focuses on supporting interregional innovation investments aiming at developing value chains in lesser-developed regions and reinforcing the integration of innovation actors in EU value chains.
Activities funded under both strands can cover investments that are ‘new to Europe’ or ‘new to the application sector’, as well as strengthen innovation diffusion channels and lead to multiple market applications of an innovation in lesser-developed regions. Both strands aim to support innovation actors whose investment ideas are ready to be developed into mature business cases. These efforts will turn the diversity of the EU’s territories into a strength by leveraging the specific assets of each region and facilitating collaboration to build new and competitive EU value chains.
Applicant criteria
For both strands, the consortium coordinator must be a:
- Non-profit organisation including research bodies and innovation intermediate organisation (i.e. a cluster organisation, an innovation agency etc.);
- Member State Organisation acting under indirect management, or;
- Public authority.
The other consortium composition requirements differ per strand.
Strand 1 requirements:
- Must have at least five independent legal entities established in five different regions of at least three eligible countries;
- Must have at least two legal entities must come from lesser-developed regions.
Strand 2a requirements:
- Must have at least three independent legal entities established in three different regions in at least two eligible countries;
- The consortium should represent at least one more developed region and must have a strong involvement of lesser-developed regions and focus on their needs;
- The countries that are currently eligible are EU Member States, excluding Iceland, Luxembourg and Norway.
Eligible projects/themes
There are three thematic priorities, each with a specific purpose and expected impacts.
Thematic priorities:
- Digital transition: projects should unlock the potential for digital growth, deploying innovative solutions that improve accessibility and efficiency of services (both for businesses and citizens) while bridging the digital divide.
- Green transition: projects within these schemes should focus on innovative value chain investments to boost the economy through green technology and to create sustainable industry/transport. These include interregional investments in sustainable food systems, sustainable agriculture, clean energy, sustainable industry, building and renovating, sustainable mobility and eliminating pollution.
- Smart manufacturing: this thematic priority focuses on improving the delivery of new or improved products, processes or services in the manufacturing industry and fostering a circular economy approach. Projects should focus on interregional innovation investments to encourage uptake of new or improved manufacturing solutions, to support the industry to face the challenge of digitalisation and to promote the shift towards a more environmentally sustainable production (zero pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment).
Amount of funding
In the period of 2021–2027 there is over EUR 570 million available for investments. The total available call budget per strand is EUR 31 million. Projected budgets are expected to range between EUR 2 million and EUR 10 million.
Application process
Proposals must be submitted electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Submission System before the call deadline. Proposals (including annexes and supporting documents) must be submitted using the forms provided inside the Submission System:
- Application Form Part A: contains administrative information about the participants – future coordinator, beneficiaries and affiliated entities – and the summarised budget for the project.
- Application Form Part B: contains the technical description of the project.
- Application Form Part C: contains additional project data, mandatory annexes and supporting documents (i.e. detailed budget table, outline of a project dissemination and exploitation plan, etc.).
Further investment and capacity building calls for proposals are planned for 2025.
For information, in 2024, three calls were open:
- Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 1 (I3-2024-INV1): open till 5 December 2024
- Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 2a (I3-2024-INV2a): open till 5 December 2024
- Capacity Building Strand 2b (I3-2023-CAP2b): this call has multiple cut-offs - deadline dates are 15 Feb 2024 / 14 Nov 2024
More information about these calls can be found here:
<5 000
large 500 000-200 000, medium 200 000-50 000, and small cities 50 000-5 000
large metropolitan area >1.5 million, metropolitan area 1.5 million-500 000
predominantly urban regions, intermediate and predominantly rural regions, refer to TERCET typology NUTS 3 region
e.g. commercial, residential, service, industrial