EU Regions Week Info Session on Implementing circular systemic solutions in cities and regions
Updated on 16.03.2023
The 20th European Week of Regions and Cities took place on 10-13 October 2022. The event gathered European cities and regions to show their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good governance.
On 13 October, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation hosted a virtual info session on ‘Implementing circular systemic solutions in cities and regions’ as part of the EU Regions Week.
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission)

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The session featured presentations by the CCRI Coordination and Support Office (CCRI-CSO), the city of Asker (a CCRI Pilot) and the Region of Central Macedonia (a CCRI Fellow), showcasing the circular solutions they plan to implement.
The session’s attendees included representatives of industry, academia, research and public administration. Participants also had the chance to share their views on the main challenges they face in implementing the circular economy on a local and regional scale, and the types of support and services they need.

e.g. B2B services
e.g. households, aware consumers, representatives of influential groups, trainers and educators
e.g. NGOs, citizens associations