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Sectors: Bioeconomy


Updated on 12.09.2024

The Portuguese city of Matosinhos has long been a focus of sustainability because of its geographical position and its available natural resources.


The main goal of Matosinhos’s circular economy (CE) strategy is to pursue public policy sustainability guidelines. The city has adopted the principles of circularity as a determining vector for a good quality of human life, with a balance of biodiversity and ecosystems.

Countries: Portugal
Population: 173.000
Resource use, flows and materials: To be confirmed

More information

We currently have about 20 employees working on CE projects, and in terms of economic development, we can highlight other platforms that constitute fundamental levers for the development of the municipality, such as:

  • the Centre for Aeronautical Engineering of CEiiA;
  • the Centre for Engineering and Development, CIIMAR;
  • Lipor and Porto Business School.



GDP or GDP Category (at NUTS 3 level) Eurostat, same as cohesion policy 2019: More developed region


Urban rural predominance: Predominantly urban

Leading organisation

City of Matosinhos


Environmental department

Link to existing circular economy action plan

The Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) is still under development, with local stakeholders' contributions, and will focus on:

  • food and biowaste;
  • circular economy;
  • construction.


For the policy development of the CEAP, Matosinhos will focus on:

  • legislation;
  • finance;
  • communication, education plan and platforms;
  • innovation and design.


This information will be filled in at a later stage.

Other activities

The municipality is part of diverse European projects, such as the Covenant of Mayors or the Green City Accord.

Link to Circular Systemic Solution

This information will be filled in at a later stage

Circular economy good practices

This information will be filled in at a later stage

Participation in other relevant initiatives

The city of Matosinhos participates in the following initiatives:

Key publications, policies, legislations and initiatives

  • Municipality Plan towards Carbon Neutrality (2024)
  • Municipality Plan for Biodiversity (2023)
  • Municipality Plan for Energy (2024)


Support from CSO

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