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Sectors: Bioeconomy Industrial symbiosis

Technological Corporation of Andalusia

Updated on 13.04.2023

Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) is a regional public and private partnership (PPP) that was created in 2005 as joint effort of the Andalusia regional government and a group of key companies. CTA was created to trigger innovation activities performed by the Andalusian private sector and to connect these activities with academia and society, support public bodies’ innovation policy implementation, and promote world-class R&I in a transition region.

Countries: Spain
Population: 8.427.000
Resource use, flows and materials: To be confirmed

More information

Currently, CTA is owned by more than 165 companies, 70 % of which are SMEs, in seven main European industrial priority sectors:

  • ICT
  • aerospace and productive processes
  • agrifood
  • biotechnology
  • building and civil engineering
  • energy and environment
  • leisure and tourism

For the past 16 years, more than 900 projects have been supported with a total investment of some EUR 200 000 000, having a leverage effect to mobilise additional private investment of EUR 460 000 000.

Leading organisation

Technological Corporation of Andalusia

Main partners/stakeholders

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Link to existing circular economy action plan

The First Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), with a budget of EUR 1 529 000 000 and containing 116 measures, will be launched the Administration General of the State throughout the triennium 2021–2023 to support and progressively consolidate the deployment of a circular and decarbonised economic model.


These measures are articulated around eight lines of action that will allow the implementation of circular economy (CE) actions: production; consumption; waste management; secondary raw materials; and water reuse.


Also, and on a cross-cutting basis, there are actions to raise awareness and participation, research, innovation and competitiveness, and employment and training.


The CEAP can be consulted here.


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Other activities

The Andalusian region is one of the few regions in Europe that has a Regional Strategy for circular bioeconomy. The region has also its own CE strategy and has recently issued a regulation related to CE as well.


The corporation is member of European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN), the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and has participated in more than 20 EU funded projects that address different areas of expertise, some of which are linked to CE, bioeconomy, energy efficiency, and digitalisation.

Link to Circular Systemic Solution

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Circular economy good practices

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Key publications, policies, legislations and initiatives

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Support from CSO

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Key contact person
Target territory