Updated on 12.09.2024
Regional councils are the main bodies promoting the interests of their regions and they also act as statutory joint municipal authorities. Working in cooperation with municipalities and regional actors, they are responsible for the regional development strategy and overall regional development. Circular economy (CE) and sustainability are cross-cutting principles of Päijät-Häme Smart Specialisation Strategy. The circular economy roadmap for Päijät-Häme was published in year 2017.

More information
In 2024, the Päijät-Häme Green Transition Program (GTP) was published to help local entities achieve carbon neutrality and circular economy goals by 2030. It focuses on energy, transport, material cycles, forests, land use, and a sustainable food system, considering nature diversity, climate adaptation, social sustainability, and maintenance security. It replaces the CE roadmap and other regional roadmaps into one strategic document.
GDP or GDP Category (at NUTS 3 level) Eurostat, same as cohesion policy 2019: Less developed region
Urban rural predominance: Intermediate
Link to existing circular economy action plan
Originally, Päijät-Häme established Circular Economy Roadmap in 2017, defining targets to guide the region’s work in this domain. The roadmap was aligned with and inspired by the Finnish national Circular Economy Roadmap.
In 2024, the new Green Transition Program was introduced, replacing the previous roadmap. This program supports municipalities, cities, developers, and businesses in achieving carbon neutrality and circular economy targets. It integrates major measures and projects with the plans of local entities. The program aims for carbon neutrality in Päijät-Häme by 2030, promoting a circular economy and preserving natural diversity. It focuses on themes such as energy, transport, material cycles, forests and land use, and a sustainable food system, while considering nature diversity, climate adaptation, social sustainability, and maintenance security.
Specific actions and measures are embedded in the Green Transition Program, with regular monitoring and progress evaluation.
Leading organisation
Regional Council of Päijät-Häme
Regional Development Unit
Main partners/stakeholders
Network of Circular Economy Stakeholders in Päijät-Häme:
- Lahti Regional Development LADEC
- municipalities 10 (Lahti included)
- LUT University, Helsinki University
- LAB University of AS
- Team Finland/ELY-keskus
- Salpakierto Waste Management
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Other activities
The CE roadmap was reinforced by the fact that the capital of the region city of Lahti was the European Green Capital in 2021.
The European Union’s mission on 100 climate-neutral and smart cities in Europe by 2030 aims to support at least 100 cities to become carbon-neutral by the end of the decade. The City of Lahti was selected as one of the 100 frontrunner cities. Lahti has an ambitious goal of being carbon neutral in 2025 and the region in 2030.
The region is in partner process with the Government to do agreement on a low-carbon CE. The agreement is part of Finland’s National Circular Economy Programme.
Link to Circular Systemic Solution
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Circular economy good practices
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Participation in other relevant initiatives
The region of Päijät-Häme participates in the following initiatives:
- OECD programme for cities and regions
- Climate Change Adaption
Key publications, policies, legislations and initiatives
Support from CSO
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