Updated on 12.09.2024
Jyväskylä is a growing and international city of education and culture. Resource Wisdom is an integral part of the new city strategy of Jyväskylä, setting carbon neutrality, zero waste and a minimised ecological footprint at the centre of urban development in the city. The programme for a resource-wise Jyväskylä aims at carbon neutrality by 2030, also including targets for circular economy and biodiversity protection.

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Circular economy (CE) actions and policies are driven by the city’s dedicated Resource Wisdom team. The team of three experts is additionally headed by Jyväskylä's director of Environmental Affairs. However, many other city employees under Business Jyväskylä (as an example) also support CE actions in their own domains. The city encourages and trains businesses to move towards business models and products based on CE.
GDP or GDP Category (at NUTS 3 level) Eurostat, same as cohesion policy 2019: More developed region
Urban rural predominance: Predominantly rural
Leading organisation
City of Jyväskylä
Business Development Services + Resource Wisdom Team
Link to existing circular economy action plan
Jyväskylä's Resource-wise Jyväskylä 2040 Programme defines Jyväskylä's goal to be a zero-waste, zero-pollution and zero-overspend city of sustainable wellbeing by the end of 2040, at the latest, as well as carbon neutral by 2030. The Programme is the main guiding instrument for the City of Jyväskylä dealing with goals and measures for climate action, circular economy and biodiversity conservation and restoration. It consists of seven themes and includes the goals for action in each thematic area, more than 180 concrete measures to be carried out during the current council term as well as indicators for monitoring the progress of the programme. The themes of the programme are:
- low-carbon energy production and effective energy and water use
- sustainable community structure and low-carbon construction
- climate-resilient transit system
- preparation and adaptation to impacts of climate change
- resource-wise consumption and circular economy
- welcoming and diverse environment and
- resource wisdom and responsibility in everyday life.
The programme is supported by Jyväskylä's commitment to the national energy efficiency agreement (2017–2025) and Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP).
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Other activities
Jyväskylä is actively involved in different projects:
- Circwaste (7-year LIFE project, concluded)
- The regional HABA project (2021–2023) is studying and piloting distributed and optimised biomethane production in Central Finland. The goal is to improve the cost efficiency and the resource efficiency of biomethane production processes
- The regionally funded ‘Innovation network and logistics’ project aims at creating a stable and permanent operating environment, in which innovations around CE can find faster and easier paths towards commercialisation
- Green Industrial Areas project (Interreg Baltis Sea Region)
- GOOD CITIES - Cities stimulating new shared economy services for consumer goods in urban environments | Interreg Europe - Sharing solutions for better policy
Link to Circular Systemic Solution
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Circular economy good practices
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Participation in other relevant initiatives
The city of Jyväskylä participates in the following initiatives:
Key publications, policies, legislations and initiatives
- The ‘Jätteetön Jyvässeutu 2030’ programme (Zero-Waste Jyväskylä region) is a ten-year policy programme outlining Jyväskylä’s targets on waste management. The programme defines a collaborative approach to reducing waste and increasing waste recycling
- Central Finland Mobility Foundation for development towards carbon-neutrality with Toyota Mobility Foundation and Toyota Gazoo Racing
Support from CSO
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