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Event type: Workshop

Workshop on Bioeconomy in Baden-Württemberg focusing on financing (Workshop zu Bioökonomie in Baden-Württemberg mit Schwerpunkt Finanzen)



18.07.2024, 10:00AM - 3:00PM Europe/Brussels

This workshop will focus on the financial landscape and funding opportunities available for bio-economy innovations in Baden-Württemberg. The results of a survey among companies from Baden-Württemberg on the topic of funding in the bioeconomy will provide ideas and input for the discussion round. During the workshop, we will work with regional stakeholders on identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the funding landscape and developing strategies for its improvement.

Event format: On location
Event location: Leuschnerstr. 43 – D70176 Stuttgart

Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (SEZ)

More information

Are you German and interested in bio- and circular economy? – We need you!


On Thursday, July 18, 2024, our regional partner in Baden-Württemberg the Steinbeis Europa Zentrum is organizing a workshop on "Bioeconomy in Baden-Württemberg – Focus: Finance" as part of the ROBIN Project, and you are most cordially invited to contribute with your expertise.


In the ROBIN regional co-creation workshops in Baden-Württemberg, Southern Ireland, Andalusia, Žilina, and Central Macedonia, the adequate availability of financial resources in the regions has been identified as a key element to fully exploit the potential of the bioeconomy and to try, use, and expand new services, technologies, and products.


To identify the strengths and weaknesses of the funding landscape in Baden-Württemberg and developing strategies for its improvement, the "Circular Bioeconomy Governance Model Canvas" developed within the framework of the ROBIN project will be employed and tested.


For further information about the tools developed within the ROBIN project check out the ROBIN toolbox.




Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, Leuschnerstr. 43, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany


Participation Fee:

Free of charge



Steinbeis Europa Zentrum as part of the Horizon Europe Project ROBIN


Contact person:

Dr. Clémentine Roth –

ROBIN Workshop
Event category
Organised by CCRI stakeholders