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Event type: Conference

Cities and regions investing in circular solutions: from idea to practice



09.10.2024, 9:00AM - 3:00PM Europe/Brussels

For its annual event, DECISO offers to reflect on the financial viability and sustainability of circular economy investment projects. You will not only hear from the DECISO pilots but also exchange with international projects on challenges and solutions to support circular economy investments projects at local and regional scale.

Event format: Hybrid
Event location: Regions Lazio and Umbria, Rond-Point Robert Schuman 14, 1040 Brussels


More information

The DECISO annual conference 2024 will take place on 9 October in Brussels and online under the title "Cities and regions investing in circular solutions: from idea to practice". It is co-organised by the DECISO consortium and the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) Coordination and Support Office, with the support of the Regione Lazio and Umbria offices.

Event category
Organised by CCRI stakeholders