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Event type: CCRI General Conference

2nd General Conference of the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative



03. - 05.06.2025

The next CCRI General Conference will take place as part of the EU Green Week 2025, focusing on Circular solutions for a competitive Europe.


This year, the CCRI conference is co-organised with the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP) – a good opportunity to connect city and region practitioners with other circular economy makers from across Europe (policymakers, businesses and industries) and to exchange on practical solutions for propelling the circular transition forward!


Mark your calendar and stay tuned.

Event format: Hybrid
Event location: Brussels, Belgium



  • On 3-4 June, the EU Green Week will feature high-level debates on the latest EU policy developments


  • On 5 June, our joint CCRI-ECESP event will offer a space for stakeholders to exchange on challenges and opportunities they face when translating circular policies into action


Registration will open on the official website of the EU Green Week at the end of April.


  • Organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment, the EU Green Week has been Europe’s leading environmental conference over the last 25 years; an annual opportunity to raise awareness, promote and discuss the latest and upcoming developments in European environmental policy. The high-level event attracts policymakers, businesses, leading environmentalists, and other interested parties from across Europe and the world. For the previous editions of the Green Week, please visit here.
  • The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is a joint initiative by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee. It brings together stakeholders active in the broad field of the circular economy in Europe.
Event category
Organised by CCRI-CSO