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CircleUp - 100 Households, 100 Circular Stories: Inspiring Sustainable Living in Europe

Updated on 02.12.2024

CircleUp aims to work with households and communities to increase the uptake of circular practices at the micro-level, optimising material streams into and out of households and closing the loops wherever possible. It seeks to achieve this goal by developing an innovative behavioural intervention package consisting of consultation and information, gamification, and feedback approaches. The project activities will also be supported by a range of digital tools including a web-app, knowledge platform, social game, and an interactive learning environment (based on system-dynamics modelling).  The success of this intervention package in 100 model households in four structurally and culturally different countries will demonstrate Circle Up’s potential to transform the way households engage with, and benefit from, the circular economy.

Topic ID: HORIZON-CL6-2023-CircBio-01-2
Grant agreement ID: 101135495
Countries: Latvia, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Portugal
Start and end date: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027
Budget: 4 586 360 EUR
Type of action: Innovation action (IA)

Leading organisation/partner

Riga Technical University, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment (IESE) 

Cities involved

Bergen (Norway), Bottrop (Germany) 

Regions involved

Oxfordshire (UK)

Scope and objectives

The main objective: To deploy an innovative intervention package to stimulate the uptake of circular economy practices at the household level in at least 100 households, consolidate this innovative package and make it ready for upscaling. 

Key services provided by the project

CircleUp aims to provide clear tools and guidance for engaging households and communities in the transition to the circular economy. These guidance and tools will be based on empirical insight from close collaboration with 100 model households. 

Key deliverables

CircleUp is at an early stage and key deliverables will come later in the project. The next key deliverable is the conceptual framework for behaviour approaches which is due in June 2025. 

Description of future collaboration with CCRI-CSO

CircleUp is keen to participate in any networking and knowledge-sharing activities organised by CCRI and to adopt lessons learned from previous circular economy projects including CCRI events such as the general conference and webinars. Towards the end of the project, CircleUp plans to produce validated tools and guidance which could be adopted by CCRI Pilots and Fellows, and which could be shared by the CCRI Coordination and Support Office. Beyond this, CircleUp would be interested to collaborate with the CCRI thematic working group on circular resource management. 

CCRI relevant material

CircleUp is at an early stage. CCRI relevant material is planned to be produced in the later stages of the project. 

Additional information

CircleUp has a sister project CARE.