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European Economic and Social Committee

Updated on 19.09.2023

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is a consultative body that gives representatives from Europe's socio-occupational interest groups, employers, and trade unionists a formal platform to discuss and express their points of view on EU issues.  

Target audience: Other European institutions
Countries: European Union

Activities on circular economy

The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP), which brings together stakeholders active in the broad field of the circular economy (CE) within Europe, is a joint initiative by the European Commission and the EESC. The EESC runs the ECESP’s regular activities. The EESC also contributes towards achieving CE by disseminating information and opinions, which are expressed by its representatives, on how the CE is functioning. Some examples of the work the EESC has done for the transition to CE include: 

Description of future collaboration with CCRI-CSO

The EESC will continue to collaborate in future with the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative Coordination and Support Office (CCRI-CSO). Collaboration includes: 

  • Regular meetings to be held for the exchange of information. 
  • The EESC will contribute towards CRRI goals by disseminating and sharing information on CCRI Projects that are relevant to the EESC and the ECESP. This is because the EESC is very active in particular communication channels, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and their newsletter. 
  • One of EESC’s main initiatives focusses on Bioeconomy, and therefore the EESC can use CCRI’s information and knowledge to promote this initiative. 
  • A potential form of collaboration could be to introduce a section dedicated to the CCRI on the EESC website. In addition, references to CCRI could be included in the website’s other relevant content. 
  • The EESC, either through their members or through the CCRI-CSO’s members, can develop and carry out workshops and webinars in collaboration with the CCRI. 
Target territory
Territories involved