Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
Updated on 19.09.2023
The EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy brings together thousands of local governments that are voluntarily committed to implementing EU climate and energy objectives. Adopted by the local council, a signatory's action plan describes the steps towards achieving its 2020 or 2030 targets.
In order to evaluate the progress made towards their objectives, a Covenant of Mayors signatory is requested to submit a monitoring report every second year after the adoption of its action plan, which is related to the mitigation and adaptation actions planned. Also, the emission inventory of the action plan must be updated at least every four years to see the progress related to resilience to climate change, reduction of emissions, and energy consumption.

Activities on circular economy
While circular economy is not directly addressed by the initiative, cities' planning climate and energy actions to address mitigation, adaptation and energy poverty do relate to circularity, particularly when an integrated approach is applied.
As of October 2022, the Covenant of Mayors – Europe has over 10 400 signatory cities and over 460 coordinators and supporters across the EU Member States.
Key services provided for the circular economy
The main service provided by the Covenant is monitoring. Thanks to the commitment created by the Covenant of Mayors, cities develop different tools that are being monitored by the Covenant. These tools are the following:
- When officially joining the Covenant of Mayors, signatories commit to developing a Sustainable Energy (and Climate) Action Plan within two years. Adopted by the local council, a signatory's action plan describes the steps towards its 2020 or 2030 targets.
- To evaluate the progress made towards their objectives, a Covenant of Mayors signatory is requested to submit a monitoring report every second year after the adoption of its action plan that is related to the mitigation and adaptation actions planned. At least every four years, the emission inventory of the action plan must be updated in order to see the progress that is related to resilience to climate change, reduction of emissions, and energy consumption.
- As part of their progress, all Covenant Signatories share their key actions as a source of inspiration for others.
In addition, the Cities Energy Saving Sprint was recently launched as a joint initiative of the European Commission, the European Committee of the Regions and the Covenant of Mayors. This initiative will encourage cities to take measures that will immediately reduce their energy consumption. This ‘Sprint’ will last for four months.
Some of the services provided by the Covenant are:
- Capacity building, including workshops, webinars, peer learning programmes, twinning between cities, the collection and dissemination of good practices, etc. in the area of mitigation, adaptation, energy poverty.
- Related to action plan reporting and monitoring: guidance and tools, consultations with city practitioners, tailored support via a helpdesk, development and maintenance of an online reporting platform, etc.
- Most recently, in response to the energy crisis, the Covenant launched the Cities Energy Saving Sprint – an initiative focusing on cities' efforts to undertake immediate energy saving actions.
- Interaction via the Political Board of the Covenant with EU institutions in order to help shape policies supportive of cities’ transitions.
List of relevant material
Description of future collaboration with CCRI-CSO
- The Covenant will be granted access to the online repository of CCRI.
- Joint activities can be organised between CCRI and the Covenant. This source of collaboration could focus on different aspects of circularity. The Covenant has proposed to specifically target climate and energy issues in these kinds of activities.
- The Laboratory will be useful in order to try out experiences that the Covenant might share with CCRI and test its efficiency.
- The Covenant will be able to use CCRI’s material and resources from a particular city to come up with a story and further promote it through their communication channels.
- CCRI’s associated partners and projects list will be shared with the Covenant to facilitate preparation and prior analysis.
- Webinars.