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Event type: Webinar

Demonstrating the Circular Economy in Europe’s Regions – creating Circular Territorial Clusters and developing Circular Economy Action Plans



26.10.2023, 10:00AM - 12:00PM Europe/Brussels

It is no secret that for the transition from a linear to a circular economy, the regional dimension is key, as this is where the technical circular solutions are demonstrated. However, developing a technical solution is only one half of the medallion. For the solution to be implemented, the entire regional socio-economic ecosystem must be activated. In other words, a circular territorial cluster must be created. 

Event format: Virtual live

European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA)

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To ensure the longevity of a territorial circular cluster and the solution demonstrated, Circular Economy Action Plans (CEAPs) are crucial. The four Horizon 2020 sister projects Agro2Circular, CIRCULAR FOAM, EcoeFISHent and FRONTSH1P deploy circular systemic solutions (CSS) at territorial level and come together in this joint webinar to showcase successful approaches and pitfalls to avoid in creating long-lasting territorial circular clusters and developing Circular Economy Action Plans.

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Organised by CCRI stakeholders