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Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Updated on 05.06.2023

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) is an international charity that develops and promotes the circular economy to tackle some of the biggest challenges of our time – such as climate change, biodiversity loss, waste and pollution. They work with our network of private and public sector decision-makers, as well as academia, to build capacity, explore collaborative opportunities, and design and develop circular economy initiatives and solutions. Increasingly based on renewable energy, a circular economy is driven by design to eliminate waste, circulate products and materials, and regenerate nature, to create resilience and prosperity for business, the environment and society.  

Target audience: Business, Industries, Global/international/EU/national/regional/provincial/local initiatives, Academia and research, Education actors
Countries: EU-27, United States, China, Canada, Japan, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico

Activities on circular economy

EMF is engaged in a variety of activities to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. They work with businesses, academia, policymakers and institutions to mobilise systems solutions at scale, globally. Some of their activities include:

  • Research and Analysis: The foundation conducts research and analysis to help businesses and governments understand the benefits of transitioning to a circular economy. They provide reports, data and insights on topics such as material flows, circular business models and sustainable design.
  • Education and Training: The foundation offers educational resources and training programmes to help individuals and organisations learn about the circular economy and how to implement circular practices. They provide online courses, workshops and events to help build the skills and knowledge needed for a circular future.
  • Innovation and Collaboration: The foundation works with businesses, governments and other organisations to drive innovation and collaboration around circular economy principles. They facilitate partnerships, projects and initiatives to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.
  • Advocacy and Policy: The foundation advocates for policies and regulations that support a circular economy. They work with governments and other stakeholders to promote circular economy principles and create an enabling policy environment.
  • Network: EMF has built a diverse and influential network of businesses, governments, academia and civil society organisations that share a common vision for a circular economy. This network is crucial to the foundation's efforts to drive the transition to a circular economy globally, as it promotes knowledge sharing, collaboration and innovation.

Description of future collaboration with CCRI-CSO

The collaboration between CCRI-CSO and EMF will be based on sharing relevant knowledge, tools and methodologies for Circular Systemic Solutions, as well as co-organising events and further dissemination activities. EMF will be actively participating in specific Thematic Working Groups to provide technical expertise and support to CCRI stakeholders involved. Furthermore, EMF’s network will provide relevant organisations for additional support.

Target territory
Territories involved

large 500 000-200 000, medium 200 000-50 000, and small cities 50 000-5 000

large metropolitan area >1.5 million, metropolitan area 1.5 million-500 000

predominantly urban regions, intermediate and predominantly rural regions, refer to TERCET typology NUTS 3 region